15 February 2011


Sakit hati!
manusia memang senang brubah kan?
cakap semua macam senang tapi sebaliknya.
everything mess up!
i need the truth.
im crying deep inside my heart.
aku x akan relax selagi aku x dapat sebetul mana kebenaran
yang telah aku analysis plus intrepret.=.=
im so hurts now.;(
aku x taw nape sekarang aku senang nk marah.
so stressed up.
semuanya bercampur~
i already knew that this will happen.
dan sekarang sudah berlaku
but never mind!
lepas nie thats the end and thats it.
serik.it already happen to me for two times.
ingat for this time it wouldnt happen again.
tapi sekarang dah jadi.
so.conclusionnya,i will never2 do such a waste
thing like this anymore!aku serik!


Fyra Ruslan said...

apa ni?
putus cinta?
oh no! jangan sedih lagi.
let it go that man. =)

Amalina Alias said...

fyra.no la.
just satu luahan perasaan.