06 August 2011

I hope and I found

I always pray when i had fallen in love with someone , that guy will be the someone who is exactly like i am describing . But i dont asking tooo much of you, but i hope when i had found you , you are the one who will be my forever man . I hope it will be soon .

I hope i can find a guy who call i back when i hang upon him , who will lie under the stars and listens to my heartbeat , or who will stay awake just to watch i sleep .

I will wait for the boy who will kiss my forehead , then who will show off to the world when you're in sweats , then holds my hand in front of his friends , treats me the same around as his mates as he does when you and me are alone .

It was someone that i can trust but i can't control , i will feel safe in his arms yet stand on my own two feet . Then i hope he was someone cuddles me when i'm cold , give me a hug just to show how much u needed me , missed me and loved me.

I found a guy who are not afraid to tell me about his feeling towards me . Even he knows it is hurt to loved someone and not to be love d in return , i hope that guy will try to find the courage to let me know how he feel . I hope on that day , he will hold my hand properly and tightly , under the stars and moon , looks deep into my eyes , and tell me about his feelings , i hope , once i knows about how much he had waited for me and his love , my tears will turns down by my cheek . And i will smile to show on you that i am happy , and i hope u will know that it is the smile to show i am lucky to be loved by u .

I hope you are the guy who will spend with me in my whole life , who will promised to be with me in hard or easy , in sad or happy , and who will not mad on me . but if u mad on me , please do not brings it for the long time , coz i dont want lost you . please know that i am not really sensitive ,:P i hope u can understand me .but, i hope you know that i am easy to let my tears come out , it is easy to me to cry but i wont tell anybody unless to someone that very close to me. I want you to know that when i am mad with you , it doesnt mean that i hate you , but i want you to know that i just want you to be close with me.

You said everything i need to know and hear and it is like i couldnt ask for anything better .

I hope you can respects my space and never make me wait . I hope you will calls exactly when you says u will .
I hope when we are not together , you will never stop from missing me , and you will never stop from reminding me everytime how much and badly u are missing me when i am not with you . I hope you do that coz you afraid i will forgeting you . I hope u will know too that when we are not together , i willl missing you like hell , i want you to know that missing you is the bad things in my life.

I hope you will not try to forget me even a second . I hope you will miss me when something really good happen , because u know that i am the one that you want to share it . I hope you will miss me when you laugh and cry because you know that i am the one who will makes your laughter grow and your dissappear . I hope you will miss me all the time , and u will miss me so much when you are lay awake at night and think of all the wonderful times we spent with each other .

One who is constantly reminding me of how much he cares and how much he lucky is to have me .:D
I hope you willl know that i am hands down , the most stubborn human being ever existed sometimes:D
Whats important is i want you to do not hope for someone who are more prettier , taller , smarter , richer than me when we are fall in love . I hope when i cry , u will hold me close and i will heal quicky

I hope you dont think that i wanted too much from you , I hope you understand that i am little bit nervous and very scared to tell you that i love you . I wish i could tell you how and when i willl tell you about my feeling and when we will be in love forever . You need to know that every relationship is a new game of cards . Please believe that i will try the best to be nicest and love you deariest for all the time and who you are .

p/s:maybe this post is too cliche cheesy and what not.but its from my heart.seriously i suck when i talked love to u.but i want u to know this.those bold words:D yang bese tu ye jugak :D
one more ignore the grammar HAHA

HAHA.shit ah selalu kate kat orang emo ni aku plak yang emo.HAHA.ah lantaklahh.demmit.:P

05 August 2011


He saw u.

He met u.

He wanted u.

He liked u.

He chased u.

He got u.

He had u.

He loved u.

He got bored.

He left !


p/s : mostly bende ni yang berlaku biasanya la kan.:P

09 July 2011


gonna miss the time that we used to be together :)


sweet couple of the year.2 little cuties.ngahahaa:)

sekalung penghargaan buat dilah tanx ye sayang bagi i tido umah u
and jadi my pemandu pelancong.:D
tanx to fariq jugak sebab teman kiteorang melepak sambil ber 'photoshoot'
di teluk warisan sampai pukul 12.30 malam.HAHA
seriously that was my first time!:D

muke sewel kegembiraan terlampau.HAHA:D

08 May 2011

I love u so muchh

nothing else i can say.
I LOVE U UMMI.mmuaahhhh!
all that i can do today, just wishing u Happy Mothers Day
give you a hug and a lot of kisses.*wink
Xboleh nak bagi hadiah duit xde na tengah sengkekkk.hua3
Sorry ummi.;(
Xsempat nak buat pape untuk ummi.
Kek x sempat nak buat sebab na kerja.
Rase bersalah teramat.
But ill make a suprise on your coming birthday!
na janji!;P

na sayang ummi sangat2!


Jika cintaku kau ciptakan untuk dia
Tabahkanlah hatinya
Teguhkanlah hatinya
Sucikan cintanya
Lembutkan rindunya

Jika hatiku kau ciptakan untuk dia
Penuhi hatinya dengan kasih-Mu
Terangi langkahnya dengan NUR-MU
Bisikkan kedamaian dalam kerisauan
Temani dia dalam kesepian

Ku titipkan pada-Mu untuknya
Resapkanlah rinduku pada rindunya
Mekarkan cintaku bersama cintanya
satukan hidupku dan hidupnya
Dalam cinta-Mu
Kerna,aku sungguh mencintainya

p/s:TQ nad.very meaningful.;(:)

04 May 2011

cerita lama.

semalam aku tergerak hati nak bukak laci meja yang memang ak simpan khazanah muda2 dulu.:)
aku pon membelek diari2 aku mase kecik balik yang ntah pape(mase tu aku form 2 form3)..
aku baca semua tu balik aku gelak macam orang kena sawan sorang2.hahaha.bengong betol!
Betulke ak yang tulis semua ni???macam x caye.Puisi,sajak segala bagai!haha.kisah first love aku pon ade gak.hampeh betol.haha.Ntah pape je aku ni mase tu.budak2 tahap gaban mase tu.
Aku terfikir bengongnye aku mase kecik2 dulu.JIWO BENARR.haha.yela al maklumla mase tu baru nk meningkat remaja.ngee.:) Malu besar aku kalo ade sesape bace.haha

Then masa form 4 aku x tulis diari dah.stop kejap.form 5 sambung balik.Form 5 punyaa diari xde yang bengong sangat memandangkan dh matang mase tu(matangla sangat aku sekarang nie)haha, tapi ade lagi jiwo2 tuh tapi x seteruk mase ak form 2 la.haha.Aku belek punya belek terjumpa la coretan si minah Fyra ni.suka hati kau je kan conteng diari aku diam2.tapi aku taw kau x bace diari aku sebab kau xpernah marah aku.*dalam diari aku mengata kau banyak*haha

to dear cik fyra.terima kasih daun keladi la nasihat2 kau tuh.*masa ni x slap aku kau tengah gila twilight.opss silap2 i mean edward*haha.kau agak kan bila nak keluar breaking dawn?hee.macam best je aku baca novel die.Tapi twilight x hott sangat la.aku rase Vampire Diaries lagi best.*damon salvatore yang memang cool*aku suka sangattt.<3 <3 :termerepek cerita pontianakXD

02 May 2011

Fynn Jamal 150 Juta dengan Lirik di skrin

p/s:erk,=.= aku pon x taw sejak bile aku suke lagu camni.maybe sebab lagu ni kena dgn aku
kot sikit.huhuh.layannn~~

30 April 2011

Cuppy cakes :)

Da 3 ari lepas da aku buat cuppycakes tapi malas nak update blog.
First time aku buat cup cakes dan terhasil cup cakes dengan jayanya.*wink*wink :)
Tapi yang ni aku buat xde la lawa xde icing.
Coming soon aku nak buat yang cantek punya.

buruk bebenor sblm msk.haha

taraa!chocolate cup cakes

Tapi aku memang *bengkek* aa ngan adik aku especially adik aku yang bongsu tuh
Hampeh betol,setiap kali cup cakes tu siap masak setiap kali tu die amik 2.Hampehh!
Yang sepatutnya satu adunan ad 20 cupcakes tinggal 10.ADE KE PATOT?,Laas2 boleh kat aku 2 je,kurengg punya adik>.<

p/s:tapi aku suke gak dieorg makan sampai tinggal sikit je kat aku menunjukkan cup cakes yg aku buat
tu sedap!muahahahaha.:))

27 April 2011

Dear awak.=.=

Saya tau awak marah saye.
really i am really2 sory and i didnt meant to hurt you.
i wanna give u a call but im afraid that u still mad at me.
i know im wrong,
dan saya selalu je cakap macam tu kat awak
i was so careless n didnt realised that im hurtg u,
u know what?
act,i love the way u talk to me
i love ur words
everytime u gave me a poem
i felt like im really a lucky girl
coz i met such a nice guy that is u
everytime i miss u,i keep reading ur poems..
saya minta maaf sangat2.
maybe it takes time for u to forgive me,
but then its fine as long as u still want to forgive me.
i just dont want to lose u.
sebab saya sayang awak betul2.

24 April 2011

Malam gala

nie jiran bilik paling rapat
p/s:aku selalu je ambik kettle x hantar.haha
sori mira penolong ketua wing paling baik hati.;)

saje gedik nak letak gambar nie;)
act,nk ckp terima kasih daun keladi to my sweetheart
kerana rajin edit gambar mengfokuskan balik
muke saye.haha.i syg u.;PP

sebelum makan:muka sangat sopan dalam hati lapor mak aiii

selepas makan:muka comot dan dengan bangganya semeja cakap:
aku lapor lagi a weyyy~makanan sikit.xcukup ni..
tulaaa.gatal sangat dok depan.kan kena kontrol xle

22 April 2011


kedah matriculatio college 10/11

omma a.k.a Nurullianah Mustafa;)

Nadia Jasni;p


31 March 2011

Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead,
Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead.

25 February 2011


One cannot truly experience the beauty of love without enduring the pain that comes with it once it is lost...

quote ni sangat betul!;PP

22 February 2011


i didnt mean to hurt u..
maybe aku terlbih sensitif kottt mggu nie..
now i know knp ak rase nk mrah org je mguu nie.;(
dan knp ak cpat trase.
dan ak trase mau mngebom org.
perkara biasa.uhuuh
aku x bleh nak jadi sebaek ko.
tu ak taw memang x mampu dan ak arap kau da taw.
terima kasih bebanyak sebab selame nie da terlalu baek ngan aku.
aku rase sangat bersalah sebab ak selalu je x buat k at ko macam ko buat kat aku.
-tolong letak ubat kat lutut ak yg luka
-tolong picit aku time ak sakit kaki
-tolong jadi aku punya penasihat
dan macam2 lagi laaa yg x mampu ak nk list semua
rase macam aku ni adek ko jea.uhuh
aku segan la.semua tu ak bleh buat tp knp ko sushkan dr ko?
btoll.ak rase sangt bersalah yg amat.
memang x mampu la ak nak balas balik.
ak minta maaf banyak2 sebab x cakap mana ng ko minggu ni sebabnya
ak pon x taw kenape.
ak rase segan.
jadi ko better ignore je aku.
sorry kalo buat ko rase sakit hati ngan aku.
maybe i still not so much matured as you.
and i cant be as good as u.
because this is the way i am.
maybe ure right that im a heartless person for sometimes.

17 February 2011

Perlu ke?

Perlu ke nak mintak sambung ng ak balik?=.=
aku rase da tak perlu sebab ko sendiri yang cakap kawan lebih baik.
poyo betol r ko nie kan.
tbe2 contact ak only nak ckap tu?
dan ak pon da bagitaw da kan awal2 seblom kapel lepas kte putus we'll
never be a good friend anymore.see??
btol kan ape yg aku cakap?
ko x payah r lbeh2.
japg ak da taw da ko ni camne.btw ak pon dh malas nk layan org cam ko.
awal2 cakap pya gempak cakap kat umi ko.
aku dh kate xpayah ckap kat umi ko ak da taw da ape penamatny.
sampai skarang ak pon malu nk jumpe ngan umi ko.
so x perlu la lbeh2 sebab sekarang aku dh x ade perasaan
langsung kat ko.
i guess thats the end of our story la kan.
lagipon da lame sangat da.
kte pon bukan nye lama sangat kapel kan?
so forget about it?
ill never do the playback again.=.=

15 February 2011


Sakit hati!
manusia memang senang brubah kan?
cakap semua macam senang tapi sebaliknya.
everything mess up!
i need the truth.
im crying deep inside my heart.
aku x akan relax selagi aku x dapat sebetul mana kebenaran
yang telah aku analysis plus intrepret.=.=
im so hurts now.;(
aku x taw nape sekarang aku senang nk marah.
so stressed up.
semuanya bercampur~
i already knew that this will happen.
dan sekarang sudah berlaku
but never mind!
lepas nie thats the end and thats it.
serik.it already happen to me for two times.
ingat for this time it wouldnt happen again.
tapi sekarang dah jadi.
so.conclusionnya,i will never2 do such a waste
thing like this anymore!aku serik!

12 February 2011


Minggu ni memang letih glee kot!
hoki for 5 days bturut3 plus arini 3 game bmaen ak rase mau pengsan!ayoyo.;P
tapi alhamdulillah la gk agk bebaloi gak la bmaen leth2 menang plus seri.:P
tapi lpas maen je ak rase jadi macam nenek tua yg main hoki.
aduhh sakit sume kakiku..;((
nak bend kaki pon sakit.hua7
tapi mase main x la ak sakit lak.
tapi agak syok stelah sekian lme x men hoki.;P
bjaye jgak ak memasukkan gol.ahaha
lepas hoki da stop nak maen!
mgu ni x sentuh bku mane aku.leth sangat lama x exercse.
ade plak yg mintak ak jadi pngadil pingpong.haha.
yang ni x leh blaaa.!;PP
lame dh kott ak x maen pingpong plus ak bkn ingt sangat die punya
rules since lama x main.
enough la mcna weii.study plak ye!;))

25 January 2011


I'll always be by ur side dear
Eventhough we rarely contacting now
U'll always in my heart
Maybe im fool for speaking up such thing
But doesnt matter
Confessing the truth
That how much I love u and miss u.XD

20 January 2011

Weird Feeling

perlu ke ak rasa macam ni?
wasn't it like damn stupid bagi ak yg mrasa
shuuu3.go away stupid weird feeling frm me.
ooooh my.im embarassing myself
wth i kept thingking the same things everytime
its burden me out!

mallyna's weather forecast for tommorow:
stop raining heavily on me if u feel that u cannot
make everything goes right between me n u
u make me hoping that u'll be rain more heavily
on me..
hoping for a good weather 4 tomoro.;)

19 January 2011


My abah back to normal again.;))
Alhamdulillah,im so grateful..
Abah let bygone b bygone okep?
(konon2 nchat abah);P
So love u abah..muah6!!
Sekarang bleh manje2 ngan abah lagi.;)
After a long time semalam br dgr abah
gelak besar mase dinner.
Semalam meat ball spagetti
Nanti na cuti lagi i make u ur
peberet spaggeti bolognaise lak oke?;)
Speed recovery abah!;)